Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Canine and Feline Pemphigus. What is Pemphigus and can it be treated naturally ?

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What is Pemphigus?
Pemphigus is derived from the Greek word Pemphix which means bubble or blister

What is Pemphigus Foliaceous?
It is a skin disease in which watery blisters form on the skin.
All Pemphigus types are indicative of an autoimmune skin disorder. Autoimmune disorders are the result of an overactive immune response against the pet's own tissues resulting in the production of antibodies to epidermal adhesion molecules causing them to separate, which then leads to the formation of pustules (blisters). 
  1. Pemphigus Foliaceous is the most common type of Pemphigus which results in the formation of superficial blisters. The autoantibodies are deposited in the outermost layers of the epidermis and blisters form on otherwise healthy skin.

  • Affects the top layer of skin
  • Skin blisters that come and go; the blisters always occur near the surface of the skin
  • Oozing, crusting, or peeling at the blister site
  • Itching of skin, redness, scales, crust shallow ulcers, pustules
  • Vesicles - fluid filled sacs/cysts in the skin
  • This type may worsen. To avoid avoid secondary bacterial infections, the cracked and/or ulcerated skin must be treated
  • Pemphigus Foliaceous affects both cats and dogs
What is Pemphigus Vulgaris?
Has deeper, and more severe ulcers because the autoantibody is deposited deep in the skin.

  • The most serious of the Pemphigus types
  • More severe than Pemphigus Foliaceous and Pemphigus Erythematosus
  • Fever
  • Depression
  • Anorexia may occur if the animal has mouth ulcers
  • Ulcers, both shallow and deep (though usually deep) and blisters rather than thick crusted skin
  • Affects gums, lips and skin; may become generalised over the body
  • Affects areas of trauma such as claw folds, underarm and groin areas
  • Itchy skin and pain
  • Secondary bacterial infections are common and are often fatal. The skin must be treated to prevent this from happening
  • Pemphigus Vulgaris affects both cats and dogs
What is Pemphigus Erythematosus?
Is simply a localized form of Pemphigus Foliaceus.

  • Mainly the same as for Pemphigus Foliaceous, but much milder
  • Lesions are localized, they are usually confined to the head, face and footpads
  • Loss of colour in lips is more common than with the other Pemphigus forms
  • Pemphigus Erythematosus affects both cats and dogs
What is Pemphigus Vegetans?
It affects dogs only and is the rarest form of pemphigus, It seems to be a gentler version of pemphigus vulgaris, with somewhat milder ulcers.

  • Pustule groups join to form larger patches of oozing lesions
  • Mouth not usually affected
  • Few symptoms of general illness (fever, lethargy, depression etc)
Pemphigus can develop in dogs with no history of skin disease or drug history. It can also be initiated from a reaction to a drug. Some drugs such as cephalosporins, sulfonamides and penicillin have previously been linked to the development of pemphigus. Please be aware that Pemphigus can occur in dogs with a history of chronic skin disease (e.g. allergies), which isn't surprising as allergies, as well as Pemphigus are all immune related afflictions.
Other diseases that can appear similar to pemphigus foliaceus include infection (bacterial, parasitic, fungal), seborrheic skin disease, and varying forms of lupus vulgaris. Usually it is just a bacterial, fungal infection. When something proliferates, bacteria is always involved. Until the bacteria is treated, the infection will keep spreading and usually getting much worse.
Conventional treatments for Pemphigus include -
Immunosuppressive drugs such as oral prednisone to suppress the immunity
Topical steroids in mild cases *Please note side effects of immunosuppressive drugs can be severe

Antibiotics - to treat any secondary bacterial infections
Natural, holistic approach includes -
Topical creams to eliminate the bacteria and infection with natural ingredients proven to be naturally antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory, effectively treats the symptoms.
The best medicine for autoimmune diseases is to build immunity in dogs. This can only be done through diet. Remember - Food is medicine, but it can also be poison. Avoid commercial foods. Raw diet is always recommended. Symptoms must be treated to avoid secondary infections. For all the types of Pemphigus the symptoms can be treated with a natural product such as DERMagic Skin Rescue Lotion.
For Pemphigus Vulgaris and for any pet that is suffering from mouth ulcers, immediate and expert help is required.
To find out more please visit


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